In NO other case is presentment for acceptance necessary in order to render liable any party to the bill. 在其他情况下,并非必须作承兑提示始可使任何当事人履行汇票之责任。
Where the presentment for acceptance or the presentment for payment by the holder is rejected, the acceptor or the drawee must provide proof of dishonor or a statement on reasons for dishonor. 持票人提示承兑或者提示付款被拒绝的,承兑人或者付款人必须出具拒绝证明,或者出具退票理由书。
The receipt shall specify the date of presentment for acceptance and shall be signed. 回单上应当记明汇票提示承兑日期并签章。
Presentation, presentment: The collecting bank or the holder of a draft shows and hands over it to the drawee for acceptance or payment. 提示代收行或持票人将汇票出示并提交给受票人,要求承兑或付款的行为叫做提示。
No presentment for acceptance is needed for a bill of exchange payable at sight. 见票即付的汇票无需提示承兑。